Saturday, March 27, 2010

After EartH Hrs@ICT shah alam

huhuhu...menemani Nideq&Botak dating @ iCt shah alam...yelah..hubby jauh..just talking on da phone u B, i will waitting u@ kl sentral tomorrow....


last nite i'm a alone, just take my candle..n My bear to be My Frez to NIte...
nice picas aight??huhuhu.... lonely is not sad, but need some REST...."hepi EARTH HRS nite!!!

...........@my engagement Day....

"aper yg di nanti telah tiba, tepat jam 12tgh..rmbgan pihak lelaki smpai di perkaranganrumah ku..huhuhu agak berdebar..even just tunang jew..but still nervous...
just oneMoment i become "OneStepCloser, to be a Wife"..
just wait until 19june 2010..."Mrs izwan" coming closer to next step..thank to izwan,as MY Lover, to nideq,june,nona,aimi,apis n nuar yg byk menemaniku...kemana sje aku nk g...thank all.. hope everything DOne well..."counting Day now..!!!

Memory in 21hb MarcH 2010

im TRULLY yours....

Salam Syg...agak mcm tak percaya, but it's real... yg lama di nanti, yg lama di tunggu Si DeAR yg mjadi pilihan... thank B. ...

"Don't cry because it's over Smile because it happened".......

love u me forever n ever, dont make Cry anyMore...